Thursday, August 15, 2019 From rOpenSci ( Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
A semi-monthly summary of the rOpenSci Newsletter including software reviews, packages on CRAN, use cases, posts from staff and community, and events. June 24 to August 5, 2019
5 community-contributed packages passed software peer review.
gitignore - Create useful .gitignore files for your project. Author: Philippe Massicotte; Reviewers: Amanda Dobbyn, Mauro Lepore; Review
grainchanger - Moving-Window and Direct Data Aggregation. Author: Laura Jane Graham; Reviewers: Max Joseph, John Baumgartner; Review
popler - Browse and query the popler database. Author: Aldo Compagnoni; Reviewers: Corinna Gries, Ben Bond-Lamberty; Review
tidypmc - Parse full text XML documents from PMC. Author: Chris Stubben; Reviewers: Julia Silge, Toph Allen; Review
UCSCXenaTools - Download and Explore Datasets from UCSC Xena Data Hubs. Author: Shixiang Wang; Reviewers: Christine Stawitz, Carl Ganz; Review
Consider submitting your package or volunteering to review.
3 new packages from the community are on CRAN.
Example: Dan Quintana gave a short video demonstration of using europepmc, a package maintained by Najko Jahn
Ever wanted to visualize the popularity of a research topic over time? Here's how, using the 'europepmc' #Rstats package
— Dan Quintana (@dsquintana) July 23, 2019
YouTube link:
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