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🔗 General information
- Full Name: Your given and family names
- Email: The email address we should use to contact you
- Country: country of residence.
- Timezone: your residency city timezone expressed in UTC
- Pronouns: Please share the pronouns you would like us to use when referring to you (optional)
- Language: what language(s) do you prefer for your communication during the training and mentoring calls?
- GitHub or GitLab: please, provide link to your profile. Share the full url, for example, We recommend that you make your profile informative: Fill your GitHub profile information (and to keep it up-to-date); Pin your most important repositories. They can be repositories you contributed to; Publicize the organization memberships you want to show; Add a profile README.
- Social network: please, provide link to your Masotodon/LinkedIn, etc., profile (optional)
- Website: please, provide link to your website (optional)
- Affiliation: please provide your affiliations to university/institution/organization or other employer
- Community: please provide affiliations to communities (like R-Ladies, MiR, RSE Groups, LatinR, ReproHack, etc. or indicate NA)
- [] Please, check if you self-identify as a member of a systematically excluded group from the open source software community.
🔗 Expertise
Do you have experience developing or significantly contributing to R packages? Choose one option
No, I have never developed an R package
No, I have not developed an R package, but I contribute to one or more.
Yes, I have developed an R package, but did not submit it to CRAN.
Yes, I have developed an R package, and it is published in CRAN.
Yes, I have developed an R package before, and it went through rOpenSci’s peer review.
If you developed a package before please, link the github/gitlab repo:
🔗 Project information
Choose one option
[] I want to develop a new package. Describe your project in a maximum of 200 words.
[] I want to submit a package to rOpenSci’s peer review process. Describe your project in a maximum of 200 words. Provide a link to github or gitlab repository for the package
- Upload agreement document. If you want to work on a package, but you are not the author or co-maintainer, please add a document (an email printed as PDF) from the author/maintainer where they express their agreement with your project.
[] I want to be part of the review process as a reviewer. Describe the topics you can review in a maximun of 200 words
🔗 Motivation
Why would you like to be part of the rOpenSci champions program? Please respond in a maximum of 200 words.
How do you expect your role as a rOpenSci Champion will inform or support your local community? Please respond in a maximum of 200 words.
What are three things that you consider to be most important to do or keep in mind when participating in a community of practice like rOpenSci? Please, explain in a maximum of 400 words.
Please indicate how your current employment status gives you the flexibility to dedicate time to fulfilling the responsibilities of the rOpenSci Champion Program. The estimated time commitment for each Champion is, on average, 16 hours per month (includes trainings, cohort events, mentoring meetings, package development or review process, and preparing for and hosting events). The total time commitment for each Champion will vary based on the path and activities they choose to do during the program. Please respond in a maximum of 200 words.