rOpenSci | Coworking


Join us for social coworking & office hours monthly on first Tuesdays! Hosted by rOpenSci Community Assistant Steffi LaZerte and various community hosts. Everyone welcome. No registration needed.

We meet for two hours, introduce ourselves and cowork. You can choose to work on your own or socialize by choosing different ‘rooms’ (Quiet or Noisy). Each session has a theme and the opportunity to explore that theme with the community host in the Noisy room.

Want more details? Explore All about coworking!

Have suggestions for future themes? Interested in being a community host?

Contact Steffi or our Community Manager, Yani, on the rOpenSci Slack, Mastodon, or via email, and let us know! If you’re interested in hosting but aren’t sure of a theme, we’re happy to help you come up with one!

With work come breaks!
So we break with a mini scavenger hunt.

Our Next Coworking Session

Past Sessions

July 2, 2024
Git and GitHub

With Zhian N. Kamvar, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

June 4, 2024
R in the Wild

With Ernest Guevarra, TomΓ‘s Zaba, Nicholus Tint Zaw, Zython Paul Lachica, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

May 7, 2024
Meet rOpenSci's new Executive Director!

With Noam Ross, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

April 2, 2024
Sharing your work with Quarto

With Pao Corrales, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

March 5, 2024
Dates, Times and Timezones in R

With Steffi LaZerte, Alex Koiter πŸ”— Collaborative notes

February 6, 2024
R-Universe Office Hours

With Jeroen Ooms, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

January 9, 2024
Working with APIs

With Jon Harmon, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

December 5, 2023
November 7, 2023
Fixing scary bugs πŸ˜±πŸ›

With Salix Dubois, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

October 3, 2023
Creating nice command-line interfaces with cli

With Athanasia Mo Mowinckel, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

September 5, 2023
AI in/for R

With Joel Nitta, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

August 23, 2023
Champions Program Application Clinic

With Yanina Bellini Saibene, Steffi LaZerte

August 17, 2023
Champions Program Application Clinic

With Yanina Bellini Saibene, Steffi LaZerte

August 1, 2023
Spatial data in R

With Mike Mahoney, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

July 4, 2023
Create/Update your 'Happy File'/'Brag Document'!

With MaΓ«lle Salmon, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

June 6, 2023
May 2, 2023
Spring Cleaning for R packages and Scripts

With Yanina Bellini Saibene, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

April 4, 2023
Working with taxonomic lists in R

With Miguel Alvarez, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

March 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
Setting up Continuous Integration

With Hugo Gruson, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

January 10, 2023
Working with new R users

With Alex Koiter, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

December 6, 2022
Getting started with targets!

With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

November 1, 2022
Champions Program Application Clinic

With Yanina Bellini Saibene, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

October 4, 2022
Start writing that package!

With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte πŸ”— Collaborative notes

September 6, 2022
Teaching with R

With Yanina Bellini Saibene, Steffi LaZerte

June 7, 2022
Tackle something you've always wanted to learn

With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte

May 3, 2022
Why be an R package reviewer?

With François Michonneau, Steffi LaZerte

April 5, 2022
Making figures sparkle

With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte

March 1, 2022
Changing package maintainers

With Hannah Owens, Steffi LaZerte

February 1, 2022
Social Coworking and Office Hours

With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte

January 4, 2022
Social Coworking and Office Hours

With Steffi LaZerte, Stefanie Butland

December 7, 2021
Social Coworking and Office Hours

With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte

November 2, 2021
Social Coworking and Office Hours

With Steffi LaZerte, Stefanie Butland

October 5, 2021
Social Coworking and Office Hours

With Nicholas Tierney, Stefanie Butland

September 7, 2021
Social Coworking and Office Hours

With Steffi LaZerte, Stefanie Butland

Working together to push science forward

Happy rOpenSci users can be found at