rOpenSci | CRAN-ial Expansion: Taking Your R Package Development to New Frontiers with R-Universe
September 19, 2023

CRAN-ial Expansion: Taking Your R Package Development to New Frontiers with R-Universe

Chicago, 🇺🇸 • With Athanasia Mo Mowinckel.

Say goodbye to installation headaches and hello to a universe of possibilities with R-Universe! Take your R package development to new frontiers by organizing and sharing packages beyond the bounds of CRAN. R-Universe’s reliable package-building process strengthens installation and usage instructions, resulting in fewer support requests and an easy installation experience for users. With webpages and an API for exploring packages, R-Universe creates a streamlined and tidy ecosystem for R-package constellations. Join me to learn how to explore the vastness of R-Universe and expand your package development possibilities!


CRAN-ial Expansion: Taking Your R Package Development to New Frontiers with R-Universe
Athanasia Mo Mowinckel

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