rOpenSci | Talks and Publications

Talks and Publications


Most recent talks by the rOpenSci team or community members representing us, in English, French, or Spanish. Links to slides and videos are provided where available. More talks.

Why’d you load that package for?. Lightning talks session: Tuesday, Aug 13 1:00 PM PDT
August 12, 2024 • Luis D. Verde Arregoitia 🇺🇸 Seattle
Keynote: How your code might get rusty
July 08, 2024 • Maëlle Salmon Austria Salzburg
Navigating the R Ecosystem Using R-Universe
July 08, 2024 • Jeroen Ooms Austria Salzburg


Most recent papers about rOpenSci or rOpenSci-related projects involving members of the rOpenSci team. More papers. Find out how to cite rOpenSci in your papers.

The R Developer Community Does Have a Strong Software Engineering Culture
The R Journal
Salmon, M., & Ram, K. (2022) • doi:10.32614/RJ-2021-110
A Community of Practice Around Peer-review for Long-term Research Software Sustainability
Computing in Science & Engineering
Ram, K., Boettiger, C., Chamberlain, S., Ross, N., Salmon, M., & Butland, S. (2018) • doi:10.1109/MCSE.2018.2882753
R Python, and Ruby clients for GBIF species occurrence data
PeerJ Preprints
Chamberlain, S. A., & Boettiger, C. (2017) • doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.3304v1

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